Choix du VBS selon le cadre
Pour permettre le choix d'un curriculum, selon le cadre choisi par l'éditeur (liste non exhaustive, au 01/03/22):
Dominantes Cadres Titres de VBS (éditeurs) GEOGRAPHIE jungle -Big jungle adventure
-Pandamania (Group 2011)
-Jungle safari
-Rainforest adventure
-Journey off the map
-Wildwood forest
-Sonquest rainforest
-Amazon outfitterssavane, Afrique -Baobab blast
-Safari adventure
-Kingdom of the Son
-Serengeti trek (Group 2005)
-Roar (Group 2019)montagne -Everest (Group 2015)
-Camp Kilimanjarodésert -Wilderness escape (Group 2014)
-Amazing desert journeymers et océans -Ocean Odyssey
-Rocky point lighthouse
-High seas expedition (Group 2010)
-Deep sea discovery
-Ocean odyssey
-Operation overboard (Cokesbury 2012)
-Scuba (Group 2003)
-Surf shackspéléologie -Cave quest (Group 2016)
iles -Arrow island
-Outrigger island
-Island odyssey
-SonTreasure island
-Lava lava island (Group 2004)
-Sea Quest
-Shipwrecked (Group 2018)pôles -Polar extremes
-Artic edge
-Polar expedition (Group 2001)pays étrangers -Fiesta (Group 2006)
-Thailand trek (Group 2015)
-Rickshaw rally
-Norway expedition
-Passport to Peru
-Boomerang express
-Outback rock (Group 2015)
-Polar Blast (Group 2018)HISTOIRE Antiquité
(temps bibliques)-Gangway to Galilee
-Jerusalem marketplace (Group 2005, 2008)
-Bethlehem village (Group 2006)
-Galilee by the sea (Group 2007)
-Rome (Group 2009, 2017)
-Egypt (Group 2011)
-Hometown Nazareth (Group 2011, 2015)
-Babylon (Group 2012)
-Athens (Group 2013)
-Blast to the past
-Wilderness escapeMoyen-Age -Kingdom rock (Group 2013)
-Mighty fortress
-Kingdom chroniclesFar-West -Sonwest roundup
-Camp discovery
-Saddle ridge ranch
-Avalanche ranchBIOLOGIE Animaux familiers -Hay day! (Group 2014)
-Pets unleashedFerme -SonHarvest
-Hayday !Insectes -Bug zone
-Bug safari (Group 2002)
-Planet ZoomAnimaux sauvages -Crocodile dock (Group 2009)
-Pandamania (Group 2011)
-Weird animals (Group 2014)
-In the WildSCIENCES Construction -Construction zone (Cokesbury 2005)
-Kids under construction
-Build with us! (Urban ministries 2018)
-Concrete and cranes (Lifreway 2020)Transports -Amazing wonders aviation
-Rocky railway (Group 2020)Laboratoire -Power lab (Group 2008)
-SonSparks LabCiel -Sky (Group 2012) Espace, étoiles -Galactic starveyors
-Blast off (Group 2014)
-Cosmic city
-To the edge
-To Mars an beyondLOISIRS Camp -Sonrise national park
-Sonrock kids camp
-Soncreek junctionDescente de rivière -Soncanyon river adventure
-Rolling river rampagePlage -Son surfbeach bash
-Surf shackSport, jeux olympiques -Gameday central
-God's all star champions
-Songames 2004
-Game on !Parc d'attractions, fête foraine -Colossal coaster world
-Everywhere fun fair
-Take the plunge ! (Standard publishing 2007)Arts, bricolage -Amazing wonders
-Workshop of wonders
-Maker fun factory (Group 2017)Cinéma -Big Apple adventure
-Hollyword StudiosACTION,
AVENTUREEspions -Agency D3
-Sonforce kidsDétectives -Investigation destination Super héros -G Force
-Hero central« Programme annuel d'école du dimanche: Plus tard, je serai... (2023-2024)Livres pour moniteurs d'école du dimanche »
Tags : VBS, choix, cadre, contexte, décor
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